CURE100 Carbon Tracker
Welcome to the CURE100 Carbon Tracker App. Our carbon emissions can only be reduced by your thoughtful personal choices. By using this app, you will find ways to reduce your carbon footprint, improve your health and save money.
Read our FAQs to learn more of the Carbon Tracker App and get prepared for your household carbon assessment. Note: the REGGIE (REgional Greenhouse Gas Inventory Estimator) and BEST (Bus Electrification for Student Transportation) are now included as additional tabs in the Carbon Tracker.

The app will help you:
– Measure the contributors to your carbon footprint and track improvements over time.
– Compare carbon-saving strategies and focus on the biggest hitters.
– Think ahead to the time when big purchasing decisions will present themselves (e.g., furnace replacement or car replacement).
In addition, your anonymized input will, over time, help CURE100 community organizations to track the overall progress of our communities towards the goal of 5% reduction of emissions per year and net zero by 2040.
By clicking the button below, I acknowledge and agree to abide by the End User License Agreement, and I understand CURE100’s Privacy Policy.