Ardsley Pollinator Pathway
The Ardsley Pollinator Pathway Project's mission is to raise awareness, educate, and encourage the participation of Ardsley’s residents, businesses, government, and other organizations in the creation and maintenance of healthy pollinator habitats in the Village of Ardsley.
Beczak Environmental Education Center
Since 1988, the Beczak Environmental Education Center has been making waves in the Yonkers community! It is the only environmental center in Westchester County with its own beach right on the edge of the Hudson river. This safe waterfront area is an ideal spot for hands on learning for all ages!
Bedford 2030
Bedford 2030 addresses the urgent issue of climate change through the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and preservation of natural resources. We organize a grassroots effort in our community to achieve aggressive climate action goals identified in the Bedford Climate Action Plan.
Bedford Conservation Board
Conservation Board Mission Statement: The Bedford Conservation Board is committed to working locally to improve the environmental health of all of our community and to foster a resilient future for our town and the world. Our mission is to serve as an advisory board to the Town of Bedford as well as to engage and inform the public of important environmental issues. The Conservation Board provides recommendations on proposed projects, plans, and policies to further environmentally sound practices, both for the town and the community.
CURE100 (Communities United to Reduce Emissions 100%) is a not-for-profit consortium of communities that seeks to reduce global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions to net zero urgently and with high priority, through a combination of advocacy, education and campaigns at the local and global levels.
Center at Mariandale
The Center at Mariandale is a place of hospitality for all who seek spiritual, personal, and communal growth. Care of Earth, reflection through the arts, wellness practices, contemplation, and concern for social and ecological justice center us. Mariandale welcomes diverse faith traditions, and is inclusive and nurturing of body, mind, and spirit.
Central Westchester Audubon
The Central Westchester Audubon Society is about birds, as its name suggests, but it is also about education: education for our neighbors and community about what birds, animals, rivers and streams, trees and plants mean to the Earth and our own lives and to the future of the Earth we all live on.
Citizens Climate Lobby Westchester
Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization empowering people to experience breakthroughs exercising their personal and political power. Our chapter is just one of hundreds of chapters across the world working to create the political will for a livable world.
Environmental Coalition of the Pelhams
The Environmental Coalition of the Pelhams (EcoPel), established in 2013, is a grassroots, not-for-profit (501c3) membership organization that aims to educate the community about sustainable green practices that protect our environment, as well as provide resources and mobilize the community to aid environmental initiatives and policies on a local and global level.
Grassroots Environmental Education
Grassroots Environmental Education is a science-based environmental health non-profit, seeking to inform the public and decision makers about the health risks of common environmental exposures and to empower individuals and organizations to act as catalysts for change in their own communities.
Green Schools Alliance
Uniquely created by schools, for schools, and now spanning nearly 10,000 members worldwide, the Green Schools Alliance provides programs, tools and resources to fast-track sustainable solutions in schools, empowering all members of the school community to become sustainability champions.
Hilltop Hanover Farm
Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center is a historic and working farm dating back to the 18th. century, that is owned and operated by Westchester County and supported by the Friends of Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center, Inc. Spanning 187 acres, Hilltop Hanover Farm is dedicated to the development and advancement of sustainable agriculture, environmental stewardship, community education, and accessible food systems for all, with a minimum 10% of produce grown being donated to food pantries and soup kitchens.
Hudson River Community Association of Yonkers
HRCA is a group of dedicated citizens who love our area and are actively working to make it a better place to live. We came together over 45 years ago to address some of the issues and concerns facing our neighborhood, such as deteriorating housing, crime, sanitation, vacant properties, beautification and the need for all residents to commit to community service are some of our primary concerns.
Hudson Valley Stream Conservancy
Hudson Valley Stream Conservancy is a tax exempt nonprofit that works in aquatic ecology, water-related infrastructure, environmental education and outreach. We’ve been around since 2006 and are supported by NY State and foundation grants. Our overriding goal is to protect and restore streams and rivers both for their ecological function and to help humans sustainably get the most out of interacting with nature; economically and recreationally.
Irvington Green Policy Task Force
The Irvington Green Policy Task Force (“GPTF”) is a volunteer group of passionate and concerned residents working to mitigate negative environmental impacts in the community and beyond. We educate and inspire village administrators, trustees, residents, businesses, contractors and visitors to make choices that create a more sustainable, regenerative and resilient community.
Larchmont Environmental Committee
The mission of the Larchmont Environmental Committee is to build community understanding and appreciation of our local environment and natural resources; communicate sustainable practices to Larchmont residents, businesses, and organizations, and assist in the implementation of these practices; provide the Village Board of Trustees with proposals for policy and legislation that will reduce our carbon footprint; increase our resilience to climate change; protect our air, water, land and health; and collaborate with other municipalities to promote knowledge-sharing and support mutual progress in sustainability and adaptation to climate change.
Lewisboro Land Trust
Since our inception in 1994, Lewisboro Land Trust has been preserving land in Lewisboro. We are very proud to have celebrated our 30th anniversary in 2024 with a renewed passion and commitment to environmental stewardship, responsibility for nature, and education of adults and children through experience, exposure and education.
Mount Kisco Conservation Advisory Council
The Conservation Advisory Council is to consist of nine members appointed by the Village Board of Trustees for terms of two years. The Council's primary mission is to advise in the development, management, and protection of the Village of Mount Kisco's natural resources.
Natural Resources Defense Council
We combine the power of more than 3 million members and online activists with the expertise of some 700 scientists, lawyers, and other environmental specialists to confront the climate crisis, protect the planet's wildlife and wild places, and to ensure the rights of all people to clean air, clean water, and healthy communities.
New York Association for Conservation Commissions
The New York State Association of Conservation Commissions (NYSACC) is an independent, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit education organization that provides leadership in the development of vital environmental programs for cities, towns, and villages throughout the State of New York. We bring together millions of people—government officials, environmentalists, students, and citizens—committed to preserving, protecting, and enhancing the built and natural environments in New York communities.
North Salem Open Land Foundation
The North Salem Open Land Foundation is dedicated to preserving the character and natural beauty of the town of North Salem, NY and the area around it by establishing land areas free from exploitation, development, and deterioration and by maintaining the environmental and ecological integrity of the area.
Partners for Climate Action Hudson Valley
We believe that the overlapping ecological crises are best addressed by the communities that are closest to them by using approaches that honor the uniqueness of each place. PCA was founded in 2019 with the goal to move multiple forms of capital to where they would be most relevant, efficient, and effective to catalyze local action. At our core, we are funders who support our grantee partners with the knowledge, tools, and connections they need to be successful. Our priority areas are ecological restoration, with a focus on establishing community forests and cultivating native habitat, and the decarbonization of existing building stock in our region’s most underserved communities.
Rusticus Garden Club
The purpose of Rusticus Garden Club is to promote the knowledge and love of gardening, horticulture and floral design; to further appreciation of the beauty and composition of gardens; and to restore, improve, and protect the quality of our environment through educational programs and initiatives in the fields of conservation and civic improvement.
The Conservation Commission/Advisory Council assists in the administration of environmental regulatory activities, provides education materials and advice related to environmental issues, and provides public services by fostering citizen involvement in local and regional environmental issues.
Sarah Lawrence College for the Urban River at Beczak
Launched June 2013, the Center for the Urban River at Beczak (CURB) is an alliance of Sarah Lawrence College and the Beczak Environmental Education Center. The mission of CURB is to advance environmental knowledge and stewardship by providing high quality K-12 environmental education for the local community, establishing a regional hub for research and monitoring focused on Hudson River estuary and urban watershed issues, and serving as a welcoming open community space for a variety of civic and cultural activities.
Save the Sound
Our vision is of a Connecticut and Sound region where the vitality of nature will be protected for people and wildlife, now and for many decades to come. A region in which citizens from all walks of life can unite in transforming struggling habitats, polluted waters, endangered wildlife, and a threatened planet into resilient, healthy, vibrant, and inspiring places that sustain communities.
Saw Mill River Audubon
We are a friendly community of people who enjoy exploring the outdoors. Our 1,100+ members are drawn from northwestern Westchester County, New York and beyond. All share a common desire to learn more about birds and other wildlife, and a common belief in the importance of preserving and protecting wildlife habitats. We hope you’ll browse through our upcoming events and join us for a field trip, workshop or community program.
Scarsdale Conservation Advisory Council
The Scarsdale Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) is an advisory body to the Village Board of Trustees. The Council studies issues affecting the local environment and also maintenance of the Village's "natural" character. Issues may include open space, trees, waste reduction, energy conservation, and other sustainability issues.
Sustainable Sleepy Hollow
The purpose and mission of the SHEAC is to help build awareness and support for the development, management and protection of Sleepy Hollow’s natural resources; to assist and provide input into the drafting of environmental local laws designed to provide protection for our natural resources; and to participate in environmental reviews when requested by the Board of Trustees or the Planning Board.
Teatown Lake Reservation
Teatown is a nonprofit nature preserve and environmental education center in the Lower Hudson Valley, with 15 miles of hiking trails, a two-acre island refuge for over 230 species of native wildflowers, year-round programming, wildlife exhibits, and natural science day camps in the summer and school breaks.
Town of Cortlandt
The Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) was established by the Town Board in 1975. The CAC was formed to ensure the preservation and improvement of the quality of the natural and man-made environment in the Town in the face of urbanization and the accompanying demands on natural resources.
Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative
The Sustainability Collaborative works to preserve and enhance the long term viability of the Town from both environmental and fiscal perspectives. The Collaborative serves as an advisor to the Town Board and to such other authorities, boards, departments, committees, commissions and employees of the Town as the Town Board may authorize from time to time.
UNA-USA Westchester Chapter
One of the oldest chapters of UNA-USA, the Westchester Chapter was founded by Eleanor Roosevelt and others in the early 1950s. Over the years, UNA-USA Westchester Chapter has grown to encompass over 800 local members and have hosted events across Westchester, bringing top government and UN officials to engage with our citizens.
Village of Croton-On-Hudson Conservation Advisory Council
The Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) was established to preserve and improve the quality of the natural and manmade environment within the Village, in the face of population growth, urbanization and technological change, with their accompanying demands on natural resources.
Village of Pleasantville
The Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) assists the Village Board in matters pertaining to the protection and preservation of natural resources in the Village of Pleasantville. These matters include reforestation projects, wetlands mapping, maintaining topographical information, and participation in coordinated environmental reviews.
Ward Acres Conservancy
Ward Acres Conservancy is a not-for-profit volunteer organization, founded by private citizens in partnership with the City of New Rochelle, that exists to protect and restore the historically significant and ecologically fragile landscape of Ward Acres Park. The Conservancy seeks to protect and preserve natural and historical aspects of the park, to create an inclusive organization built on the diversity of the City, and to create an intimate interaction and educational experience with nature with access for all.
Watershed Agricultural Council
The Watershed Agricultural Council (also known as “WAC” or “the Council”) works with farm and forest landowners in the New York City Watershed region to protect water quality on behalf of nine million New York residents. The Council uses Whole Farms Plans, Forest Management Plans, and Conservation Easements to help farmers, forest professionals and private landholders address water pollution concerns on properties located in the Croton and Catskill/Delaware Watersheds.